Conquest by Caer Australis


Cover image 'Gaul fighting a Roman' (Handford, 1982)


"Their language they shall keep, their land they shall lose - except wild Wales." - Taliesin.

Conquest by Caer Australis seeks to provide an insight into the history of conquest of the Celtic world by Rome from the perspective of the Celts. Events through four and a half centuries of conflict are examined, and whenever possible the use of texts recorded by ancient historians is applied. In Conquest, it is hoped the reader will gain a feel for the time and the context of the struggles met by the Celtic people, not only against an invader, but in the coming to terms with themselves as a people whose lands, way of life and ideals were worth fighting for.

The Heroic Age

An introduction to the Celtic world across temperate Europe in the period opening in the fifth century BC. The Celtic tuatha with king, druid and warrior were rivals for dominance and territory, yet bonded by language and custom.

The Gallic War

The early conficts between Celt and Roman. The Gallic expansion led by Brennus in 390BC, Cisalpine Gaul, conflict in southern Gaul, the rivalry of the Arverni and Aeduans and the establishment of the Roman Province in 122BC.


The Celtic response to Caesar's war of conquest. The dilemma of tuatha to support or reject Roman imperium. The triumph of Vercingetorix was the unification of the Celts in Gaul in their stand for independence in 52BC.


For a century, the British Celts remained within reach of the Roman empire. The Catvellaunian kingdom spread its influence and under Cunobelinos in the early first century AD trade with Rome flourished from Camulodunum.


The Celtic response to the Claudian conquest of Britain in AD43. As the south was brought under Roman control, the surrounding Celtic kingdoms allied and revolted and Caratacus son of Cunobelinos organised rebellion from the west.


The consolidation of power in the province was followed by Roman injustice under Nero. An act of submission by the allied kingdom of the Iceni was met with abuse, and led by Boudicca the bright fires of a fight for freedom were lit.

Caer Australis hopes the histories outlined in Conquest to be informative and of interest, and invites comments and feedback. An annoted weblink area is also included which links to the wealth of internet sites covering the Celtic history of conquest. If you would like to contact Caer Australis to provide feedback or information about a link to include or would like a pdf copy of any of the histories, you are invited to use the Contact form provided.

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